9 Ways To Train Patience In Romantic Relations

JAKARTA - According to popular clich, love makes the world rotate. But in a relationship, it's not just love that keeps the relationship alive, but patience. You and your partner may fall in love with each other, but if you don't have patience in it, you won't be able to strengthen your relationship and maintain it for a long time.

Not everyone is good at being patient because patience requires a lot of strength and determination to control it. Even so, patience provides many benefits, not only for the relationship itself but also for the people involved in it.

So, this is the time for you to know how to train patience because patience is the main key to having a lasting and meaningful relationship. You may want to start learning how to be more patient in relationships in the following nine ways, driven from the Tips Inspiring page, Wednesday, October 4.

When in a relationship, it is important to know your partner as a person and not just his figure as a partner. You have to learn more about his character, both good and bad. By knowing he is outside and inside, you can understand his strengths and weaknesses and become more patient naturally when dealing with them.

No one is perfect, including a partner. Of course, he has flaws and these are things you need to accept wholeheartedly. Learn to realize that he has limitations and you can't force him to go beyond those limits. At the same time, look at the advantages he has, because this can be changed to power at a later date.

Like love of patience is a two-way way, so apart from understanding your partner, he also has to know and understand you. How can he be patient if he doesn't know who you really are. How can your partner be more tolerant of your tantrums if he doesn't know where your problem came from? For that, let him know you as a person too.

Communication is the key to being more patient with each other as a partner. Take time to discuss important things for you and your partner, be it individual aspirations, collective plans, or problems. It is important for you to put down problems and ask each other's opinions about these problems.

You may not always agree with someone's decision, but by discussing and listening to each party, you develop more patience and tolerance for your partner.

Listening can be difficult if you are a person who is more dominant in a relationship. But, if you want a relationship to go well try learning to listen to your partner. By listening, you know your partner's thoughts.

No need to always agree with his decision, because patience is formed when you give and believe in your partner's decision. Especially if you know that choice is for the good of your future.

Patience is not just a matter of giving and tolerance. It's also about allocating time to spend together as a couple, without having to talk. Take a walk together, and hold hands with each other.

Non-verbal communication in this exercise not only prolongs your patience with each other. But it also develops more trust because even if you don't talk, your partner listens and so do you.

There are times when your partner gets angry with certain problems. Of course this can make you nervous, but if you go on a rampage it will only make things worse. On the other hand, let him vent everything he feels.

Then speak calmly after she calms down. This will give him time to release unnecessary emotions and return to himself.

Learning to compromise is also the key to being more patient. You may not be happy with your partner's decisions, especially in matters that involve relationships, but you also don't always have to give in. Learn to talk to your partner and determine the terms so that both of you can compromise on a decision.

Developing patience can also be done by carrying out a series of activities that make you and your partner a team. Through this activity, you and your partner can test each other and hone their trust, patience, and belief in each other.

You can also complement each other's weaknesses and take advantage of your strength until you and your partner complete the tasks they have in the activities they follow.