TPN Ganjar President Will Give Directions On The Third Day Of The PDIP National Working Meeting IV
JAKARTA - The National Winning Team (TPN) of the President Ganjar will fill the agenda on the last day or the closing of the PDIP IV National Working Meeting (Rakernas) today, Sunday, October 1.
PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said TPN Chairman Arsjad Rasjid would deliver a briefing in front of PDIP cadres. This activity can only be accessed by internal parties or closed.
"The National Winning Team, tomorrow, Mr. Arsjad Rasjid accompanied by several deputy chairmen will submit a closed presentation," Hasto told reporters at JIEXpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, quoted on Sunday, October 1.
Arsjad and his team, continued Hasto, will later discuss several things related to Ganjar's victory as a candidate for president. Among them are strategies to strategies.
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Their presence is important to follow up on the results of the last meeting. "It has been agreed that the TPN must be formed thoroughly so that later the vice presidential candidate is announced that everything is ready," he said.
Meanwhile, when asked about the vice presidential candidate, Hasto did not want to talk much. He only mentioned that the existing names had now narrowed.
It is known, there are two names that could be paired with Ganjar at this time. They are the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.
"Mrs. Mega also conducts contemplations almost every night. She also asks for instructions from God Almighty that the name has narrowed is like that," he said.
Previously reported, Khofifah and Mahfud MD were considered as vice presidential candidates for Ganjar Pranowo. Both are considered to have a mass base in East Java.
"Yes, whatever, Mr. Mahfud and Mbak Khofifah are from East Java, right. So they do have their respective mass niches," said PDIP DPP chairman Puan Maharani to reporters at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday, September 30.