Student Victims Of Bullying In Cilacap Alami Patah Tulang Rusuk, Referred To Purwokerto Hospital

CILACAP - Cilacap FF (13) student, victim of bullying or bullying of his schoolmate MKY (15) is currently receiving treatment at Purwokerto hospital.

"Currently, we have referred FF to a hospital in Purwokerto to undergo surgery and intensive care. Hopefully the victim will recover quickly and return to his activities," said Cilacap City Police Chief (Polresta) Police Commissioner Fannky Ani Sugiharto in Cilacap, Friday, September 29, confiscated by Antara.

The FF victim was referred to as assistance for financing treatment and treatment from the National Police. The National Police has also provided psychological assistance to FF and witnesses who were examined accompanied by their respective families.

Furthermore, Fannky said that his party is also developing the possibility of other cases of bullying in the school environment and in the Cilacap Regency area in general by opening a hotline service at 081227575594.

"Children who are victims of bullying (bullying, ed.) and their parents report to the Cilacap Police through the hotline service number," he said.

Meanwhile, Kasatreskrim Polresta Cilacap Kompol Guntar Arif Setiyoko said, based on the results of the X-ray examination, FF was found to have broken ribs.

"Therefore, FF was referred to Prof. Dr Margono Soekarjo Hospital Purwokerto for more intensive treatment," he said.

The case of bullying that befell FF was successfully revealed by the Cilacap Police on Tuesday, September 26, or before the video of violence by the two alleged perpetrators of bullying went viral on social media on Wednesday, September 27.

The disclosure of the bullying case was due to reports from the Head of Negarajati and Pesahangan Villages, Cimanggu District, Cilacap Regency, a few hours after the incident which was followed up by the Cilacap Police with the pick-up of two suspected perpetrators, namely MK (15) and WS (14) who were the victim's classmate.

In addition to the two suspected perpetrators, the Banyumas Police also arrested three eyewitnesses to the incident of bullying for questioning.

Based on the results of the examination, it was found that the alleged perpetrator of the Constitutional Court was offended by the words of the victim who claimed to be a member of the group or gang "Basis".

Although still minors, the Cilacap Police continue to process the case according to the juvenile justice system, and the alleged perpetrator can be charged with the Child Protection Act with a maximum imprisonment of 3 years and 6 months and a fine of Rp72 million.