Red Pelat Company To Private Banks Enliven Carbon Exchange

JAKARTA - A number of companies participated in the first carbon exchange trading on Tuesday, September 26.

The companies that acted as buyers of the Carbon Unit in the inaugural trade of IDX Carbon were PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, PT Bank DBS Indonesia, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, PT BNI Sekuritas, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (part of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk), PT CarbonX Bumi Harmoni, PT MMS Group Indonesia, PT Multi Optimal Research and Education, PT Pamapersada Nusantara, PT Pelita Air Service, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi and PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

In today's inaugural carbon trade until 11.00 WIB, IDX Carbon recorded 459,495 tons of carbon trading in the Carbon Unit and 24 transactions.

The provision of Carbon Units in this first trade is Pertamina New and Renewable Energy (PNRE) which provides Carbon Units from the Lahendong Unit 5 Project and Unit 6 PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk.

IDX President Director as the organizer of the Indonesian Carbon Exchange (IDXCarbon) Iman Rachman said, IDXCarbon is an important milestone for Indonesia's commitment to decarbonization towards Net Zero Emission in 2060 or sooner.

"IDX Carbon seeks to provide transparency, reliability, and security in providing the best solution for carbon trading in Indonesia so that there is a regular, reasonable and efficient trade. Through the provision of platforms that prioritize the user experience, it is hoped that all business actors can easily benefit from carbon trading," he said at a press conference at Main Hall. Indonesia Stock Exchange, Tuesday, September 26.

In accordance with OJK Regulation (POJK) Number 14 of 2023 concerning Carbon Trading through the Carbon Exchange, IDXCarbon as the Carbon Exchange Organizer provides a transparent, regular, reasonable, and efficient trading system.

In addition to providing transparency to prices, IDX Carbon trading also provides an easy and simple transaction mechanism. Currently, there are 4 (four) trading mechanisms for IDX Carbon, namely Auction, Regular Trading, Negotiated Trading and Marketplace.

IDX Carbon is connected to the National Climate Change Control Registribution System (SRN-PPI) belonging to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), thus facilitating the administration of carbon unit displacements and avoiding double counting.

Business actors in the form of the Company who have an obligation and/or have a commitment to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions, can become IDXCarbon Service Users and buy the available Carbon Unit. For information, the Company can register first by filling in the IDX Carbon Service User Registration Form available on the website

"In addition, project owners who already have a Carbon Unit listed on SRN-PPI can sell their Carbon Unit through IDX Carbon," concluded Iman.