NTT Provincial Government Tightens Airport And Port Control To Prevent TIP
The Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has tightened supervision at all airports and seaports to prevent illegal shipments of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).
"The government continues to strive with related parties to provide services from the aspect of illegally preventing departures and handling PMI problems from NTT through the post for preventing non-procedural migrant workers both within the NTT region, especially at El Tari Kupang Airport and seaports in NTT," said Acting Governor of NTT Province Ayodhia G. L. Kalake as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, September 23.
Kalake emphasized that this was related to the request of the NTT DPRD so that the government would continue to monitor all the exits of NTT in preventing TIP.
He expressed his gratitude for the support of the NTT DPRD for the government's policy of providing protection for Indonesian Migrant workers from NTT Province.
"This problem is very complex, so in handling it, strong collaboration is needed for all elements of stakeholders in society at all levels, both provincial and district and city levels in NTT in handling TIP," said Kalake.
According to him, efforts to prevent illegal departures have been carried out by security forces at every sea port and airport in preventing illegal departure of migrant workers.
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In addition, he said, increased coordination for prevention in all regions in NTT continues to be carried out together with the Legal Enforcement Working Group at the NTT Regional Police as well as cooperation in preventing and handling PMI from NTT problems outside the NTT region.
"Including the cooperation of the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Service Center (BP3MI) in border areas," he said.
In the last three years, the number of non-procedural prospective workers from NTT who were prevented from leaving abroad and returned to their home areas reached 350 people.
"In the last three years, 335 workers have been returned to NTT Province in a state of death and the most are non-procedural workers," said Kalake.