Ministry Of Religion Issues 'Inpassing' Decree For 98,972 Madrasah Teachers Not ASN
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) issued a decree (SK) on equalization of functional positions or inpassing for 98,972 madrasa teachers, not State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
"We have issued 98,972 SKinpassing for madrasa teachers, not ASN," said Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in his statement quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, September 23.
The Minister of Religion said that the inequality program aims for madrasa teachers, not ASN, to be able to get groups like ASN teachers.
According to him, the provision of equality of position and rank (inpassing) is a form of recognition of academic qualifications, tenure, and certificates of madrasa teacher educators, not ASN.
Later, he said, it would be formulated by using equal credit figures, positions, and ranks in the functional positions of ASN teachers. The issuance of an equalization decree for non-ASN madrasa teachers is part of President Joko Widodo's attention to non-ASN teachers.
"The madrasa teacher is not an ASN who has been equalized by his group, he will get an allowance in accordance with the basic salary based on the results of the group's equality," said Yaqut.
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The Director General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion, MAli Ramdhani, appreciated the synergy of all parties in the process of issuing SKinpassingaroo madrasas, not ASN. According to him, the cooperation carried out has succeeded in accelerating the implementation of this year's madrasa non-ASN collaboration program.
"This is a form of affirmation and government attention to madrasa teachers in Indonesia. The process of issuing SKinpassing from beginning to end is free of charge," he said.
Meanwhile, the Director of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) Madrasah of the Ministry of Religion Muhammad Zain said the issuance of SKinpassing was one of GTK's priority programs in an effort to improve teacher welfare. For 2023, this program is devoted to madrasas teachers who already have educator certificates.
"So, madrasas teachers who do not yet have an educator certificate have not been equalized," said Zain.