BPKP Will Supervise The Recruitment Process For Candidates For State Civil Apparatus 2023

JAKARTA - The Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) together with the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) of ministries, institutions, local governments will oversee the procurement until the inauguration of the 2023 State Civil Apparatus Candidate (CASN) recruitment.

Deputy Head of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Iwan Taufiq Purwanto said the role of BPKP in the 2023 National Committee was as a Supervisory Team.

Iwan explained, as mandated in Law Number 5 of 2014 and PP Number 11 of 2017, BPKP is one of the elements of the Selection Committee for National Civil Servant Candidates (Panselnas).

"BPKP plays a supervisory team with duties, designing supervision of the procurement of State Civil Apparatus (ASN), supervising the stages of procuring ASN in coordination with the Technology Audit Team, Quality Assurance Team (QA) and APIP Ministries, Institutions and local governments," he said in an official statement, Friday, September 22.

Iwan said the scope of supervision carried out by BPKP starts from the planning stage to the appointment of ASN.

BPKP, said Iwan, together with APIP at the Ministry, Institutions and local governments conducted conduction and assurance.

"This is to ensure financial accountability and performance accountability in achieving the purpose of procuring ASN for ministries, institutions and local governments as program implementers and the community as beneficiaries," he said.

BPKP, continued Iwan, has identified several risks in the procurement of ASN, including technical problems such as electricity, internet connection, jockey use and the slow response from helpdesk to participant problems.

This year's CASN revenue from data from the Ministry of PANRB totals 72 ministries/agencies and 524 local governments.

Therefore, it is hoped that as many as 72 APIP ministries/agencies and 524 APIP Local Governments will participate in supervising the procurement of ASN in the scope of each agency.

BPKP, said Iwan, also provides surveillance facilities in the form of supervision guidelines and ASN procurement management applications (SiPP ASN).

"BPKP together with APIP in Ministries, Institutions and local governments synergize, collaborate in conducting surveillance in order to produce professional ASN, free from political intervention, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism," he said.