In The Aftermath Of The Defense Minister Slapping The Deputy Minister, Hasto PDIP Reported Volunteer Prabowo

JAKARTA - Volunteer Prabowo Mania 08 will report PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto as the aftermath of a hoax issue that mentions Prabowo Subianto's reading of the Vice Minister of Agriculture, Harvick Hasnul Qolbi during a cabinet meeting.

According to Prabowo Mania 08 Volunteer Chair, Immanuel Ebenezer or Noel, Hasto was reported for participating in legitimizing the alleged hoax made by Alifurrahman, as the owner of Seword TV.

"Hasto's statement seemed to legitimize Alifurrahman's lies with 'If there is no smoke, there can't be fire'. This means that what Alifurrahman said legitimizes what Alifurrahman did himself," Noel said in his statement, Wednesday, September 20.

Noel said Hasto would be reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police next week. The reason is, the legal team is preparing the material for the report against Hasto.

"Tuesday or Monday it's Hasto. So we are looking for another formulation. Next Tuesday or Monday we will also take legal action for Mas Hasto, so that all of this, these elites don't be rude," said Noel.

Apart from Hasto, said Noel, his party will report Rudi S Kamri as CEO of the National Canal for TV and Alifurrahman, as owner of Seword TV to Bareskrim. The plan, Rudi S Kamri and Aliffurahman will be reported soon.

"Yes, there are three parties (reported), Rudi S Kamri, Alifurrahman and Hasto. Yes, basically we will take legal action against the three people," said Noel.

Noel said the three would be reported on suspicion of criminal acts of defamation and the spread of fake news that caused trouble in the public. Therefore, the articles imposed on the three are Article 14 paragraph (1) and (2), Article 15 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations.

Then, Article 27 paragraph (3), Article 45 paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

Previously, Prabowo's narrative of slapping and strangling the deputy minister at a meeting was conveyed by a person named Alifurrahman from Seword TV. It is said that Prabowo slapped and strangled a deputy minister during a cabinet meeting.

The act was also said to have traumatized the deputy minister and other ministers who attended the meeting felt uncomfortable. The ministers who attended the meeting were said to have intervened.

Jokowi also spoke about the wild issue. According to him, there was no such incident in the palace.

"As far as I know there are no such incidents, the period is tight," said Jokowi while visiting Jatinegara Market, East Jakarta, last Tuesday.

According to Jokowi, such information often occurs ahead of the political year. He asked the public to be careful in reading the news.