Sentenced To Diabetes, Panji Adventurers Are Grateful To Still Feel Pain

The presenter whose real name is Muhammad Panji alias Panji Petualang is known to have diabetes which is starting to eat away at his body. Even Panji admitted that he lost more than 30 kg.

Currently, Panji admits that he is still taking medicine. Despite suffering from a fairly severe disease, Panji is still trying to be grateful because he is still being sick by God.

"Until now, I'm still taking medicine. Because I'm still human, so I can still get sick. If for example I'm not sick, I'll even be confused later, what should I do," said Panji Petualang in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 20.

"Well, thank God I'm still sick. I still get the flu in the morning, wake up, still taking medicine. I'm still drinking the medicine, I'm also drinking the herbal medicine. Then I also drop the world sweep from Aris's brother into the eyes," he continued.

This 34-year-old man feels that the disease he is suffering from today is a reminder for him from God. He even asked to always be reminded if he had a mistake so that he could continue to correct himself.

"Thank God, and I didn't forget to also pray and thank God YME to Allah to always be grateful, reminded by him to always be grateful," he said.

"Because we as creatures don't escape the wrong thing, so God willing, keep reminding us if we are wrong now. For example, correcting myself to make it even better," he continued.