Menkop Teten Calls Revision Of Permendag 50 Of 2020 Published This Week
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) is targeting the revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 50 of 2020 regarding business provisions through electronic systems to be issued soon.
Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said the revision of the policy was being attempted to be published this week.
"Yes, yes (likely out in the next week)," said Teten at Tanah Abang Market, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 19.
Teten said the policy revision policy was currently under discussion at the Palace.
He said the revision process of Permendag Number 50 of 2020 began with the harmonization stage at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). The harmonization process was completed on September 9, 2023.
After that, the draft was sent back to the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag). Then, from the Ministry of Trade it was sent to the Cabinet Secretariat.
"Now it is under discussion at the Palace. It will be (published) soon," he added.
Previously, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki encouraged the Indonesian government to immediately design electronic trade arrangements to limit the entry of imported products in online stores, including TikTok Shop.
In this case, he reflected on India and the United States (US) who dared to ban TikTok operations.
"Regarding electronic trade arrangements, I think it is urgent for us to arrange them immediately. Today, online sales (online) have been controlled by foreign products," said Minister Teten in a Working Meeting with the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, as well as Commission VI DPR RI, in Jakarta, quoted Tuesday, September 5.
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"India also dares to reject TikTok, that America also prohibits TikTok, for example, sales are permissible, but it cannot be combined with social media," he added.
Teten assessed that people who shop online have been influenced by the discussion on social media itself.
"People shopping online are navigated by conversations on social media. Here's one, let alone payment of the system (payment system) later together, this is again proposed. Financing all, logistics, yes, all of them, this is called a monopoly," he said.