What Are The Honey Drinking Rules For Diabetics? This Is The Answer From Several Sources
YOGYAKARTA Did you know there is a rule of drinking honey for diabetics?
As is known, diabetes occurs when the content of excessive blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetics must control the consumption of sugar, both in drinks and in food. This also applies to honey consumption.
The Mediakom website of the Ministry of Health explains that diabetes mellitus is a disease whose symptoms are characterized by hyperglycemia, namely high glucose in the blood due to insulin resistance and absolute or relative insulin deficiency. To avoid these health problems, the public is advised to avoid sugar that will trigger hyperglycemia. Then what about honey?
Dalam penelitian Omotayo Erejuwa yang dilakuan tahun 2019 lalu, dilakukan pembandingan antara madu dengan cauma. Dalam orang sehat yang mengongongonalkan madu memang didiliki hasil bahwa kadar berurat serum glucose, kadar serum insulin, dan C-peptide jadi lebih rendah setelah digunakan 60 menit.
This means that in the study it was concluded that honey could indeed be consumed in exchange for sugar by individuals with glucose intolerance, prediabetes, and diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2.
Basically, quoted from the Mayoclinic site, diabetics often replace sugar with honey to get their sweet taste. But basically both sugar and honey will still affect blood sugar levels. The question is, do diabetics replace sugar with honey?
On the healthline website, it is said that in general, diabetics are allowed to eat honey to get sugar intake or get a sweet taste in their food and drink.
However, people with type 2 diabetes are required to monitor and regulate carbohydrate and sugar intake. All sweeteners can trigger a jump in sugar which for diabetics the condition is quite dangerous. Honey itself contains more carbohydrates but has less calories with a dose of one teaspoon when compared to sugar.
Type 2 diabetics are advised not to consume too often sweets, both honey and sugar, because both have the potential to trigger a jump in blood sugar so that health problems in diabetic patients can be more severe.
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Doctor M. Regina Castro, MD from Mayo Clinic explains that for diabetics there is no difference with consuming sugar or honey.
"Medu and sugar can both increase blood sugar levels," he said.
In the Times of India, Dr Priyamvada said that for diabetics, the important thing to pay attention to is monitoring blood sugar levels. People need to monitor what they need to eat and how much is the maximum limit for food or drinks that can be consumed. As for honey, people need to limit their consumption until there is truly valid research.
That's information about the rules for drinking honey for diabetics. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.