Examining The Causes Of Business For Many Business Entrepreneurs

The big name of Raffi Ahmad and Kaesang Pangarep apparently does not guarantee the sustainability of a business. The proof is that Kaesang's four culinary businesses and Raffi Ahmad's seven businesses are now permanently closed.

The youngest son of President Joko Widodo is known to have closed his business including Ternakopi, Goola, Madhang, and Readymas. Meanwhile, seven of Raffi Ahmad's binaries are also reportedly out of business.

In fact, Nagita Slavina's husband's efforts exploded some time ago, such as the Mango Bomb in 2017 and Gigiet Cake which appeared around 2018-2019. In addition, RA Jeans and RANS Nusantara which are engaged in the furniture business have also disappeared from circulation.

This failure is proof that popularity is not a guarantee in business. Because apart from capital, a mature strategy is needed to keep business going.

According to Marketing and Managing Partner Inventure expert, Yuswohady said, most of the artist's business is only due to participating in the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) trend. As is known, around 2017 there were many culinary businesses belonging to artists on the market.

Even at that time to get the artist's product, people had to queue for hours. Although there are still some that are still lasting, culinary sales belonging to the artist are not as busy as before, and some have even collapsed as experienced by Raffi Ahmad and Kaesang Pangarep.

Yuswohady assessed that artists who follow business trends are only to increase popularity.

"Artis ini sebagian bisnisnya yang hype seperti yang lagi hype restor apa atau makanan apa. Dulu geprek, sekarang geprek sudah tidak begitu populer, ambil yang lagi. Nyari terus dari satu bisnis ke bisnis berikutnya. Dari satu hype ke hype berikutnya. Akhirnya, nggak akan pernah sustain," ujarnya.

In addition, Yuswohady also said that not all artists have a coaching nature. Whereas in doing business, skills or the ability to manage the business are needed. Yuswohady also assessed the quality of a businessman as seen from the persistence of doing business in the long term and did not immediately give up when business was on the verge of bankruptcy.

He must have skills or competence. For example, having a restaurant business starting from supply chain, buying goods, how marketing, to how to treat employees so they don't go out, it has knowledge, it takes skills," added Yuswohady.

Sometimes he doesn't have skills yet, but is diligent and finally the ability is acquired. Business is the key to perseverance. The quality of an entrepreneur is persistence in a long time, not just three, six months. Even if you don't work hard, you don't work hard in the long term, the business will run out, you will evaporate."

Meanwhile, reported by the Mirror, small business owners share the various attributes needed in the business world, including confidence, resilience, and strong determination. In addition, the main thing needed to become a successful entrepreneur is hard work and motivation.

The study comes after career expert Sarah Berry, who has spent more than 30 years analyzing the personality traits of successful business owners, said that sales skills, goals, and willingness to take action are key to the success of a business. This is still a matter of resilience, adaptability, and flexibility.

'Unless you take action, you won't do anything. Any action is better than not doing anything at all,' Sarah said.

People often say, 'I'm worried about making mistakes'. Even though it doesn't really matter because you have to take action, even if the results don't match your wishes. You can always change, and in the end you will achieve it," Sarah said again.

The popularity of artists is often a supporting factor in running a business. But that's not the most important thing. Some of the factors that make consumers interested are product quality, innovation, and consumer satisfaction.

Actually, the influence of artists whose brands are strong is not the most important factor. The most important thing is product quality, innovation, and service. People buy not only because of the artist, so the key is to stay in the product," said Yuswohady.

Regarding consumer satisfaction, the senior vice president in the field of guarantee and insurance at Prevented Mutual, Mike De Hetre, once said that this is an important thing in business continuity. When business people provide quality experiences and products, customers will give positive responses on social media.

On the other hand, if customers don't get a good experience they will tell the world quickly. That's why growth in a business will depend on customer satisfaction.

Compared to large companies, small businesses are more agile and often more capable of seeing, anticipating, and responding to the needs of their customers. The most successful small effort is to take advantage of this advantage by bringing new and innovative and innovative products and services to the market faster and developing and fostering long-term customer relationships," said Mike De Hetre.