Although 6 Km Has Not Been Completed, Alternative Roads For The South Coast-Solok Along 44.9 Km Can Be Accessed

SUMBAR - The alternative Pesisir Selatan-Solok road in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) can be passed by vehicles even though it has not been fully completed.

Head of Highways Division of the West Sumatra Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning Agency (BMCKTR), Adratus Setiawan asked people who access the road to be vigilant because their 1.3 kilometers (km) have not yet formed a road.

"From the 44.9 kilometers of the road, there are still six kilometers that have not been completed, but can be passed by vehicles," he said in Padang, West Sumatra, Monday, September 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said, in 2023, BMCKTR will still carry out a number of construction of road bodies on the alternative road segment with a budget allocation of around Rp. 22 billion.

According to him, the work in 2023 is divided into two packages.

The first package, he said, was for the construction of a six-meter-wide road with a length of two kilometers. Then a 200-meter-long excavation is added with 200 meters of asphalting.

This package is allocated a budget of IDR 10.4 billion. Worked by PT Nadya Karya Prima. It is estimated that it will be completed in November 2023.

Then the second package is 2.3 kilometers to Alahan Panjang, the same work as the New Market direction, for the formation of a road and hardening with sand and stone (cirtu).

The form of the construction is in the form of excavation work along 450 meters, roughening. Then asphalt 500 meters.

"So overall our work for these two packages has reached 70 percent, targeted for completion by November 2023," he said.

This second package was carried out by PT Pasindo Prima Kreasi with a contract of IDR 10.4 billion. With the consultant PT Abata Plan.

While the remaining six km along will continue using the West Sumatra Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) 2024. With an estimated need of IDR 7 billion for one kilometer of construction, or a total of around 42 billion so that the road can really be passed comfortably.

Previously, the Governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi, said that the alternative road for Pasar Baru, Bayang on the South Coast to Panjang in Solok was an important section connecting two districts. The 44.9 km road is expected to be able to improve the economy of the people of the two districts.

The road also cut the distance by about 50 kilometers compared to the current main road. The travel time between the two regions is also shorter to about 1 hour.