The Perpetrator Of The Motorcycle Theft In Kudus Who Was Recorded By CCTV Had Fled To Madura, Is Now In Prison

Kudus Police, Central Java arrested the perpetrators of the theft of motorbikes whose actions were caught on surveillance cameras or CCTV (closed circuit television). Apart from the perpetrators, officers also secured evidence in the form of motorbikes that had been rushed to Madura, East Java."We managed to arrest the perpetrator last Wednesday after we received a report of the theft of a motorbike on Kiai Turaichan Adjhuri Street, Langgar Dalem Village, Kota District," said Kudus Police Chief AKBP Dydit Dwi Susanto on the sidelines of holding a press conference at the Kudus City Police, as reported by Antara, Monday, September 18.The perpetrator with the initials IS (33), a resident of Bangkalan, East Java, was arrested at his rented place in Kota District, Kudus.The chronology of the incident, he said, began when the victim named Nur Afifa (17) parked her vehicle in front of a shop on Kiai Turaichan Street, Adjhuri Kudus, after buying food. However, when he took the wallet in the vehicle seat, it turned out that the motorcycle key was forgot to be taken.After 5 minutes, the victim's motorbike was rushed by a thief. Knowing that his motorbike was stolen, the victim spontaneously ran after screaming for help from residents. Because he failed to make an attempt to catch up, the victim immediately reported the matter to the Kudus City Police Headquarters."We immediately responded to the victim's report by conducting investigations and statements from several witnesses, one of which was from CCTV stores that had recorded the perpetrators while carrying out the action," he said.From the investigation, the Kudus City Police Criminal Investigation Unit Team received instructions and succeeded in securing the IS perpetrator in a rented house in Kota Kudus District along with the Kawasaki Blitz vehicle used by the perpetrators to launch their action. The City Police Team also secured evidence in the form of a Honda Vario belonging to the victim who had been rushed to Madura.The IS perpetrator admitted that he was determined to steal a motorbike because he was squeezed by daily needs. In addition, he saw an opportunity when he saw the motorcycle keys that were still installed in the vehicle.For this reason, the Kudus Police appealed to the public to be more vigilant and careful when they want to park their vehicles. Do not forget the motorcycle key and it is better to add a wheel lock as a safety.For his actions, the perpetrator IS was charged with Article 362 of the Criminal Code with a threat of five years in prison.Kudus Police Chief AKBP Dydit Dwi Susanto accompanied by the Kudus Police Chief, Iptu Subkhan, also immediately handed over the stolen motorbike to the victim.Nor Arsita, a victim of motorcycle theft, admitted that he was grateful to the Kudus Police, especially the Kudus City Police, who had moved quickly to uncover the theft case that happened to him. Moreover, his motorbike has returned.
"Thanks to the police who have tried to return my stolen motorbike and arrested the culprit," he said.