Getting To Know Three Components Of Lecture Fees At PTN And PTS

YOGYAKARTA School tuition fees are one of the information that prospective students and new students need to know who have started studying at universities. Knowing the components of tuition fees at universities will help students manage their own finances, especially regarding payments at the beginning of college.

Please note, the tuition fee component is a number of bills that are included in the tuition fee. There are several components of tuition fees that are generally billed to students, namely the following.

The base money is a fee bill that must be paid by prospective students at the beginning of university registration. This bill only comes out once and is usually billed in the early semester before lecture activities begin or can be billed during re-registration.

The existence of the base money itself usually exists in private universities (PTS). The amount of the base money itself varies, depending on the entrance of students, universities, and selected majors. This means that each student may pay a different base fee.

For example, the base money at PTS A majoring in Indonesian is Rp. 15 million rupiah. Meanwhile, majoring in medicine at PTS A, the base money is Rp. 200 million.

During their education at the university, students are required to pay money per semester. The fee is referred to as Single Lecture Money (UKT) at PTN and Education Development Donation (SPP) at PTS. Both UKT and SPP are both paid at the beginning of the semester as long as students have not completed their education at the university.

UKT or single tuition fee is a distribution system imposed in state universities (PTN). UKT is paid by each student who is billed per semester. The amount of UKT that is billed to students is also different because it is billed to students whose nominal value is adjusted to the income of the parent or guardian of the student per month.

Determination of UKT will be carried out at the beginning before students start lectures. Students will be asked to fill out a form, one of the data that must be filled in is the amount of their parents' income every month.

UKT is divided into six groups based on parental income, namely as follows.

Meanwhile, SPP is a tuition payment system applied to PTS. The tuition payment system at PTS is carried out because private universities do not receive subsidies from the government. Unlike UKT, the nominal amount of SPP is usually the same for all active students without considering their parents' income. SPP is also paid for every new semester and before lecture activities begin.

As the name suggests, the cost of practicum is the cost that must be paid by students so that they can hold practicum activities. However, not all students are charged with practicum costs considering that not all PTN organizes practicum. Usually, the cost of practicum is held by majors in medicine, engineering, art, and so on.

The practice itself is usually carried out in laboratories, workshops, or other places that support learning. The cost of the practice will be used to finance other tools or operations needed during practical work.

That's information related to tuition fees components. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.