People Asked To Stay Away From Money Loan Services On Social Media Because They Are Prone To Fraud

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, appealed to the public not to be tempted by personal loan services (PinPri) which are widely circulated on social media. He emphasized the importance of using loan services that have been supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"After online loans, now there is another mode of personal loan, which is not making it easier for the community but actually making it difficult. So don't be tempted by illegal loans that are not monitored by OJK because they are prone to fraud," said Puan, Friday, September 15.

The OJK issued a statement that another illegal loan was circulating, named PinPri. The dangers of PinPri that need to be watched out for include being prone to fraud because there are costs that must be paid by service users.

In addition, the interest imposed on service users is relatively very high because it reaches 35 percent-40 percent. In addition, the average PinPri maturity is in 24 to 48 hours. For customers who are late in paying when the bill is due, PinPri will terrorize by spreading personal data through social media.

According to Puan, private loans or known as online loan sharks offer loans in a relatively easy and fast way to attract many people. He also appealed to people not to be tempted to borrow funds instantly.

"I urge the public not to use PinPri, because it is clearly illegal and violates OJK regulations. Moreover, the domino effect that occurs when people are late in paying is because it will be very detrimental," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan also reminded that Pinpri was not included in the category regulated in the Finance Law. So that if there has been a spread of personal data by PinPri perpetrators, the victim cannot take legal action.

"The public must be aware that behind the convenience and practicality offered there will be a big impact," explained Puan.

PinPri can distribute personal data of its service users in the form of an ID card, which is actually a population document that contains population data, as regulated by Law (UU) Number 24 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration.

Puan reminded that personal information that is distributed on social media can make it easier for hackers to hack someone's account.

"Because some hackers have the skills to use many types of data, even if it is only a place and date of birth, to hack someone's account," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

From the victim's report, there was even PinPri who confiscated the ATM belonging to the service user as the following guarantee with the password. They argued that this was done to facilitate the payment of loan funds when the service user's salary entered his account.

However, it turned out that Pinpri personnel actually took advantage of these requirements to drain the contents of their service user accounts.

Therefore, Puan encourages the Police to carry out cyber patrols to eradicate the circulation of private loans that are starting to take victims. With the seriousness of the Government and law enforcement in overcoming financial loans, it is hoped that it will minimize victims of the spread and trading of personal data.

"Patrol in cyberspace to oversee this personal loan must be a concern for law enforcement officials. With a clear legal umbrella, it will make it easier for the police to take action against perpetrators who have disturbed the public," concluded Puan.