Meeting Mahfud MD, Value Observer Ganjar Pranowo Has A Freedom Room Not A Party Officer

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD met with Ganjar Pranowo on Sunday, September 11. The two of them seem to be familiar with talking many things while sipping coffee.Socio-political observer Djuni Thamrin said the meeting was a political event that had a deep meaning, even though Mahfud acknowledged it as only nostalgia as a friend. For Djuni, Ganjar is exploring the vice-presidential candidates who will be his partner in the 2024 election."“Consistency and persistence are important national leadership characters. These characters must exist and need to exist within a great nation leader in Indonesia. The meeting between Ganjar and Mahfud MD is very important for the sustainability of the journey of the Indonesian state and nation, which is currently looking for new vice presidential candidates," said Djuni in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, September 11.Djuni added that the meeting also illustrates that Ganjar Pranowo is not a party official. He has the initiative and space for freedom in exploring vice presidential candidates who will fight together."It is very clear that Ganjar's independence as a presidential candidate from PDIP will open up space for dialogue and meetings with various parties who can cooperate in the future in bringing this nation forward. Image as a party official controlled by the party is not proven," he explained.According to him, the main character of the companion that Ganjar Pranowo needs, professionally in Mahfud MD. Mahfud MD, is a firm figure in law enforcement, clean, firm, consistent and very participatory in listening to people's complaints.
“Consistency in law enforcement is very important for Indonesia's development in the future. So Mahfud MD's character is very much needed as a mechanism for controlling development. It's like a brake function in a car that must be driven by a stable speed of development," he said.