Remind The Importance Of Preventing Stunting, Deputy Regent Of Bantul: Women's Youth Should Not Be Anemia

DIY - Deputy Regent (Wabup) Bantul Joko Purnomo said the importance of preventing stunting at the age of young women.

The Deputy Regent assessed that young women as prospective mothers must understand how to build a healthy lifestyle so as not to give birth to stunting children.

"Why are young women? Because they are prospective mothers who must understand how healthy the lifestyle is. When they get pregnant, this pregnancy must be controlled, maintained, pay attention to nutritional intake," said the Deputy Regent in Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Sunday, September 10, quoted by Antara.

Therefore, he continued, the district government continues to encourage efforts made by the health office through the puskesmas in providing an understanding of the importance of nutrition for young women, one of which is a nutritious action entitled "Anemia Free Youth" by the Pleret Health Center.

"Women's youth should not be anemia. So for girls who understand the importance of nutrition, the hope is that they can disseminate insights to their friends so that future generations can truly become quality next generations," he said.

Furthermore, the Deputy Regent said that women themselves are not stunted, but when pregnant, pregnant and giving birth to children it can be stunted, if since pregnancy their health may not be controlled, their nutritional intake is lacking.

"Pregnancy that is not well maintained, up to childbirth has the potential to give birth to stunting babies, then for the baby as long as the toddler is not well maintained, not being given good nutritional intake, or very bad nutritional intake can cause stunting," he said.

However, the Deputy Regent said that the stunting rate in Bantul over the past year has decreased thanks to efforts by the health office together with health centers and driving cadres, which in 2022 the number of stunting in Bantul in the toddler weighing sector from nine percent fell to six percent.

He said, then the survey nationally the figure was from 19 percent to 15 percent. However, in 2023, it is recognized that stunting prevention efforts are somewhat slack so that under five the figure has increased slightly, but efforts will be made to decrease again.

"If we do the most stunting rates per sub-district in Imogiri, namely 162 plus 291, that's data from two health centers in Imogiri. The second is in Pajangan. Our target this year can reduce two percent," he said.