10 Houses Damaged Due To An Earthquake With A Magnitude Of 6.1 In Kupang Regency

JAKARTA - 10 housing units in Central Amfoang District were damaged as a result of the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara on Thursday, August 31 evening.

"There were 10 residential units damaged by the 6.1 magnitude earthquake. The damaged houses were scattered in two villages," said Central Amfoang Sub-district Head Marsyoner Prayudin Bureni in a written report to BPBD Kupang Regency, in Kupang, Saturday, September 2.

He said the houses that suffered damage as a result of the earthquake that rocked Timor Island were scattered in Bitobe Village and Binafun Village.

According to him, the most houses are in Binafun Village, there are eight units and the other two houses are in Bitobe Village.

"All the damaged houses suffered minor damage in the form of cracks on the walls of the building and damaged the roof of the house," said the Marsyoner sub-district head, quoted from ANTARA.

He added that the earthquake also affected 46 residents of the two villages who were affected by the earthquake, namely 15 people in Bitube Village and 31 people in Binafun Village.

Temporary data received by BPBD NTT Province that an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 with a center at 9.69 South Latitude and 124.10 East Longitude located on land at a depth of 75 km in South Central Timor Regency had damaged three housing units in two areas, namely Fetomone Village and Taneotop Village, Nunbena District, South Central Timor Regency, which was slightly damaged, namely cracks in the walls.

"We have received temporary data on three houses in TTS Regency that were damaged," said Head of BPBD NTT Province, Ambrosius Kodo.