WIKA Beton Absorbs Precast Concrete And Ready Mix Needs Worth IDR 196 Billion For IKN Development

JAKARTA - PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk or WIKA Beton (WTON) recorded absorbing the precast and ready mix concrete needs of at least Rp196 billion for the construction of the Nusantara State Capital Region (IKN) in East Kalimantan until the August 2023 period.

WIKA Beton Secretary Dedi Indra explained that the company supplied PC Spun Pile products worth IDR 56.81 billion in two toll road construction projects, namely the IKN Toll Road Section 3A Karangjoang-KKT Kariangau Segment, and the IKN Toll Road Section 3B KKT Segment Kariangau-Tradung Intersection.

"The need for precast concrete products is produced at the Beton Product Plant (PPB) in Bogor, Pasuruan, and South Lampung owned by the company," said Dedi as quoted in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 31.

Dedi continued, the company is also working on demand for fresh concrete or ready mix worth IDR 138.89 billion for the construction of various infrastructures in other IKN.

There are a number of projects that supply the company has, including the IKN Segment 3B KKT Kariangau- Tempadung Toll Road, the maintenance of the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road, the East National Advertisement Road, the Construction of Buildings and Government Office Areas, and others.

To meet the ready mix needs, he said again, the company has built two batching plants located in the Kariangau and Sepaku areas, East Kalimantan.

Meanwhile, specifically for the Sepaku batching plant, the company has prepared a ready mix production capacity that is large enough to reach a capacity of 240 m3/hour to anticipate project needs.

"In addition, in this area, the company also built a Sepaku mobile plant to produce precast concrete directly at the location," said Dedi.

With various resources owned, Dedi said the company is ready to play an active role in supporting various infrastructure project development needs and infrastructure in IKN in the future.

There are a number of projects targeted by the company, including the construction of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) tower through a subsidiary of PT WIKA Pratak Gedung (WPG), as well as other projects.

"WIKA Beton is committed to providing the best environmentally friendly construction during project work, while still implementing quality and quality standards and implementing good corporate governance," said Dedi as well.

During the first semester of 2023, the company posted a net profit of IDR 13.59 billion, or a decrease of 77 percent year on year (yoy), compared to the previous IDR 60.72 billion in the same period in 2022.

The decrease in the company's net profit was caused by operating income which decreased slightly by 2.16 percent (yoy) to Rp1.81 trillion in the first semester of 2023, compared to the previous Rp1.85 trillion in the same period in 2022.