Regarding The Change Of Pertalite To Pertamax Green 92, Pertamina Boss: Still Proposed

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati said that the change in Pertalite type of engine fuel (BBM) to Pertamax Green 92 in 2024 is still being studied internally by the company and has not yet been decided.

For your information, PT Pertamina (Persero) reviewed the increase in the level of subsidized fuel octane RON 90 to RON 92, namely mixing Pertalite with Ethanol 7 percent to Pertamax Green 92.

"The program is the result of Pertamina's internal study, there has been no decision from the government. Of course we will propose this and we will discuss it further," said Nicke after a hearing (RDP) with Commission VII DPR RI, Wednesday, August 30.

Nicke added, if later the proposal can be discussed and become a government program, the price will certainly be regulated by the government.

"It is impossible for the Assignment Special Type of Fuel (JBKP) to be handed over to the market because there is a subsidy mechanism and compensation in it," explained Nicke.

The study, according to Nicke, was carried out to produce better fuel quality, because fuels with higher octane levels would certainly be more environmentally friendly.

"For example, at the same price, but people get better ones, with better octane numbers, so that for machines it is also better, so that emissions can also decrease. However, this is just a proposal so it is not a matter of debate," explained Nicke.

Nicke emphasized that the Phase 2 Blue Sky Program is still an internal study at Pertamina. For its implementation, it will be proposed to the government, and later it will be the government's authority to decide.