Paspampres Praka RM Persons Charged With Two Articles, General And Military Crimes

JAKARTA - Paspampres member, Riswandi Manik alias Praka RM and two colleagues who are also members of the TNI will be charged with two articles, namely general criminal articles and military crimes.

The three of them became suspects in the kidnapping, extortion and violence that killed Imam Masykur (25), a resident of Bireuen, Aceh, who lives in South Tangerang.

The Head of the TNI Dispenad, Brigadier General Hamim Tohari, emphasized that the TNI guarantees that there will be no impunity or release from punishment for soldiers who commit criminal offenses.

On the other hand, Paspampres and two TNI personnel involved in the case of Imam Masykur's death may receive more severe punishment because there are implementation of general criminal articles and military criminal articles.

Confirmation in the case of handling this case was revealed by the Head of the TNI Dispenad, Brigadier General Hamim Tohari last Tuesday.

As previously reported, on Saturday 12 August afternoon, Imam Masykur and a relative with the initials H were kidnapped while guarding a shop on Jl Sandratex, RT 02/RW 06 Rempoa, East Ciputat, South Tangerang. The victim was handcuffed and forcibly put into the car like the perpetrator of the crime.

Paspampres member Praka Riswandi Manik and two of his friends claimed to be police officers when several eyewitnesses at the location tried to help the victim. At that time the victim was clearly still healthy.

Relatives of Imam who were also transported by the kidnappers were later taken down on the Cikeas toll road because their health conditions made the perpetrators worried.

In the evening, Fauziah, the victim's mother, received the kidnapped Imam Masykur's call. In the conversation, the perpetrator asked for a ransom of Rp. 50 million. If not sent, Imam will be killed.

The family finally reported the kidnapping to Polda Metro Jaya because the victim's cellphone could no longer be contacted, as well as no more news from the kidnappers. The family is worried that something will happen to Imam Masykur.

Sure enough, on Tuesday (15/8/2023) Imam Masykur was found dead floating in the Karawang River, West Java.

Polda Metro Jaya officers moved to trace the victim's movement through cellphone numbers to members of Paspampres and two fellow members of the TNI were caught and admitted their actions.

According to Brigadier General Hamim Tohari, Polda Metro Jaya transferred the case to Pomdam Jaya because it found the involvement of Paspampres member, Praka Riswandi Manik. At the initial examination, Pomdam Jaya found the involvement of two other TNI personnel so that the suspect became three people.

They are Praka Riswandi Manik or Praka RM a member of the Paspampres Yonwalprotneg, Praka HS a member of the Indonesian Army's Topography Directorate, and Praka J a member of the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command.

A civilian named Zulhadi Satria Saputra is also a suspect. Ipar Praka Riswandi Manik acted as the person who drove the car during the kidnapping.

This case has attracted public attention, among others, because the video of the abuse of the victim was widely spread on social media. The victim who cried and asked his family to immediately send a ransom of Rp. 50 million. The voice together with a scene of a bloody body image recorded in a video upload on social media. Especially after this case was revealed, it turned out that the culprit was a member of Paspampres.

On the occasion of the press conference, Brigadier General Hamim Tohari could not say what articles ensnared the suspects.

"If this article is still in process, yes. We can't decide on the article yet. That's why later the odmil (military apparatus) will come here to provide consultation about what article can be imposed," said Hamim.