Overcoming Air Pollution, KLHK Modifies Weather To Plant Trees

JAKARTA - Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya Bakar said efforts to improve air quality in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) were carried out through weather modifications to tree planting.

"The figures seen as sources of pollution or decreased Jabodetabek air quality are 44 percent of vehicles, 34 percent of steam power plants (PLTU) and the rest from households, burning and others," Siti said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 28.

He said the handling of air pollution control was handled by all relevant ministries and institutions through firm action in operations in the field.

According to Siti, weather modification techniques require the following cloud requirements according to climatological provisions.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry reported that the weather modifications in the Bogor area, West Java, on Sunday (27/8) were effective in improving air quality in the local area.

"Yesterday, it was raining on August 27, rain in Bogor for 5.53 minutes. In the KLHK record, after the rain at 15.30 WIB from the 97 Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU), it was at 18.30 WIB the figure dropped to 29," he said.

This means, said Siti, the air quality in areas that are showered is classified as improving.

Significant air quality improvements in Bogor City due to artificial rain factors, Siti reported, were in Tanah Sareal. The ISPU figure recorded fell from 87 to 13th.

"So it means it's like I've said, if air pollution goes up in a circle there. But when it's locked, it's good," he said.

Gross air control also involves modification of micro weather in certain areas, such as in the Pertamina Building area in front of the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta.

The technique carried out, said Siti, was exhaled with water vapor from buildings so that it could affect particles forming air pollution.

Another way that was also taken was in the form of a water curtain installed on the terraces of large buildings facing public spaces.

"If it's like a fountain, it will also provide water vapor actually, so that it can also affect it," he said.

Apart from using water techniques, said Siti, dirty air is also mitigated through planting trees with large trunk diameters by all relevant stakeholders, including offices, the community, the business world, in large buildings.

"It can be on a large building terrace. We need to plant as much as possible, if necessary the planting distance is regulated not as usual 3x1 m, but only 1x1 m and others," he said.