The Minister Of Communication And Information Wants Issues Discussed At The Jakarta ASEAN Summit To Be Known Quickly By The Public

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) has prepared solid public communication ahead of the implementation of the 43rd ASEAN Summit (KTT) in Jakarta.
Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi said solid public communication must be carried out simultaneously from the central to regional government levels so that important issues discussed in ASEAN can be known to the public.
"In a matter of days, the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta will be held. We need to prepare a more solid and effective public communication orchestration," Budi said when giving a key speech at the 2023 National Convention on Functional Positions of Public Relations Pranata online from Central Jakarta, Monday, August 28, which was confiscated by Antara.
Budi said the 43rd ASEAN Summit which will take place on September 7-9, 2023 will be the culmination of Indonesia's proof to lead the Southeast Asia region in an international forum.
Through the theme 'ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth', Indonesia wants to make the ASEAN region the center of peace and prosperity not only for member countries but also the Indo-Pacific and even global touch.
For this reason, Budi advised and invited community relations employees in ministries, institutions, and local governments, to jointly raise the issue of ASEAN simultaneously so that ASEAN messages and achievements were conveyed to the public.
Furthermore, Budi said there were two challenges in public communication with the chairmanship of ASEAN 2023.
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First, the priority and theme issues raised in ASEAN are not yet well known and are widely discussed by the public because the communication and coordination assets by government agencies have not been optimally utilized.
Reflecting on the success of the news and the introduction of the G20 Indonesia in 2022, Budi invited all public relations in all sectors, both the government and the private sector, to provide holistic support in the coverage of the 43rd ASEAN Summit.
"This year, we can repeat the same success, even better. Colleagues can take part by regularly filling public spaces with ASEAN-related content," said Budi.
Furthermore, Budi said the Ministry of Communication and Information would lead the implementation of this holistic public communication by producing various forms of content for reporting in the media center of the 43rd ASEAN Summit.
The hope is that with various forms of content ranging from writings, videos, photos, to graphics, more news about ASEAN will spread to the public.
"Let's take concrete steps to support the joint campaign for the Kinetic Public Communications of the 43rd ASEAN Summit," he said.