Police Chase Robber Of Grocery Shop Recorded By CCTV In Makassar

The Mamajang Sector Police (Polsek) are still chasing two robbers who were caught on CCTV surveillance cameras while stealing a grocery shop on Jalan Singa, Mamajang District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

"The team has carried out the crime scene (TKP) and carried out developments based on CCTV footage at the victim's shop. Currently the team is continuing to move," said Mamajang Police Commissioner Zulkarnain, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, August 27.

Based on CCTV footage belonging to the shop, initially the perpetrator himself pretended to be shopping and came carefully and even borrowed a match at the shop to light his cigarette.

After that, the perpetrator came back in and went back in with his partner wearing a mask then, the perpetrator who burned cigarettes entered the inside of the shop while threatening the victim with a sharp weapon as badik to hand over all the money.

It was also seen that the victim, who was a young woman, was scared with her hands shaking, was still in her shop, while the perpetrator asked where the money was stored so that she could freely take all the money in the storage carton and hand it over to her partner.

His colleague, who was wearing a mask, quickly put the money in his backpack and dozens of cigarettes taken by the perpetrators in the inside of the shop, while the victim could do nothing.

After taking the stolen money, it was estimated that Rp. 9 million and the victim's valuables and cigarettes, the robbers immediately left the scene on a motorbike.

The evidence of CCTV footage that has gone viral on social media has now been identified by the police and the victim has been taken information to complete the law enforcement process.

"From the victim's report, there was a threat of a badik type of sharp weapon from the perpetrator. The results of the investigation by the Opsional team lost around Rp. 9 million, including the victim's cellphone and the perpetrator took the cigarette. The perpetrator has been identified," he added.

Separately, the Grocery shopkeeper named Milda (18) said the incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday (26/8). At that time, the perpetrator himself entered for a match, then came back and went back in with his partner. One entered the shop and took money from merchandise, cell phones and cigarettes.

A similar robbery incident at this shop, he said, had also occurred on December 25, 2022, at that time two cellphones were taken and run by the perpetrators, but they did not have time to enter the shop like the incident that day.

"Hopefully they will be caught quickly, people, I was shocked and afraid that I could do nothing at that time. Indeed, three times back and forth, the reason for buying gasoline and pretending to have lost money, just pointing to the store, when I was threatened with badik," he said.