Because Air Pollution Can Affect Eye Health, Here's How To Protect It

YOGYAKARTA pollution-contaminated air affects many aspects of health. In addition to breathing, the eyes also need to be protected so as not to be drought, conjunctive, and reduce the power of sight. According to the chief medical officer at the Cataract Service, Kornea & Refractive, Mata Sankaran Hospital, Jaipur, Doctor Neeraj Shah, when a layer of thick pollution envelopes the city, we must seek more to maintain eye health than ever before.

Doctor Shah further explained that extreme pollution is very dangerous and has an impact on the eyes. This makes the eyes dry, conjunctivistic, eye allergies, red eyes, tears come out, swollen eyelids, and blurred vision. As a risk prevention measure, here are how to protect the eyes from air pollution.

Glasses are the only tool that can protect the eyes. In shape, you can adjust to the level of air pollution around you. If the level of pollution is high, choose the safest protector as much as possible and don't give your eye a gap in pollutant affects the health of your eyes.

Washing hands often not only prevents exposure to bacteria and viruses that cause disease, such as flu and runny nose. But it's also a step to prevent dirty hands from wiping your eyes. If your hands are dirty and rub your eyes, not only the eyes of drought but dirt can interfere with vision. Doctor Shah's advice, try not to touch your eyes too often when you are outdoors.

Red eyes, itching, burning, swollen, and blurred vision are a sign that the eye has an infection. If you experience it, you should immediately go to an eye doctor. Doctor Shah's recommendation was reported by India Today, Sunday, August 27, avoiding self-medication because it can cause further complications.

Environmental factors have a major effect on the eyeline. This part of the eye is the most sensitive structure and is only protected by a thin layer, namely the prakornea tear layer. So, providing protection to the eye can prevent eye pain. Especially if the air pollutants are quite thick, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and particles that cause irritation and inflammation of the eye.