Ganjar Studying The Religious Teacher Incentive Program At The National Level

BANYUMAS - Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo gathering with dozens of people at the At Taujieh Al Islamy 2 Andalusia Islamic Boarding School, Banyumas Regency.

This gathering with the people is the second meeting that Ganjar visited. Previously, Ganjar also stayed in touch with Masyayikh throughout Indonesia in Rembang Regency, Central Java, last Wednesday, August 17.

The opportunity to meet with the community was used by Ganjar to discuss and accept aspirations regarding the program that had been rolled out in Central Java. One of them is related to the incentives for religious teachers who were initiated by the 2024 presidential candidate (readpres) while leading Central Java.

"I think Central Java has done that, the proposal is what if this is increased to the national level. I think this is a very good idea," said Ganjar, Saturday, August 26.

The religious teacher incentive program has been initiated by Ganjar since 2019 in Central Java. In 2023, Ganjar budgeted Rp277 billion as an incentive for 230,830 recipients from 5 different religions, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

With details of recipients including Muslim religious teachers 223,373 people, Christians 5,651 people, Catholics 1,089 people, Hindu 548 people, and Buddhist 169 people. The number of recipients increased from 2022 as many as 211,455 people.

This assistance is Ganjar's commitment in seeking welfare for religious teachers. From this incentive program, each teacher gets IDR 1.2 million per year.

"We have to pay attention to them (religious teachers). For me, the ulama, Koran teachers, we can entrust the values of character that must be conveyed to the children. The foster children," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also welcomed the aspirations expressed by the people as Indonesia's work program in the future. Ganjar hopes that these aspirations can be followed up.

"Of course we are happy to get this input, hopefully some will be able to be followed up. At least those in the Central Java region are up to September 5, which we have to fix, we will fix," said Ganjar.

In addition to the issue of religious teacher incentives, the community also expressed their aspirations regarding social activities. One of them is the issue of subsidized fertilizer.

"Earlier, talking about the scarcity of fertilizers. So there is a shortage in terms of subsidies, so it seems that the policy of corruption must be reshuffled properly. Farmer data must already exist," said Ganjar.

"This is the awareness and concern of the ulama with the input that was extraordinary. It was visited earlier on how to manage existing education in the Ministry of Religion and those in the Ministry of Education and Culture," he continued.

A number of scholars who attended included KH Ibnu Mukti Purwokerto, KH Ahmad Yunani Banyumas, KH Imdadurrohman Mustorih Cilacap, KH Fatkhurrahman Banyumas, KH Khakim Anaesaburi Banjarnegara, KH Makhasin Mustamir Banjarnegara, and KH Agus Abdulloh Cilacap.

Then KH Abdussomad Kebumen, KH Misbakhul Ghorib Kebumen, KH Umar Fatah Purbalingga, KH Mustaidz Billah Hisyam, Purbalingga, and KH Abror Mushodiq Purbalingga.