Sanksi Pemecatan Budiman Sudjatmiko Gegara Dukung Prabowo Subianto Dinilai Upaya PDIP Jaga Soliditas

The PDI-P (PDIP) move to fire Budiman Sudjatmiko as a cadre is considered an effort to maintain solidity. The party bearing the bull symbol does not want a personal decision to influence other cadres to provide support to presidential candidates (candidates) other than Ganjar Pranowo.

"If it is allowed ( Budiman Sudjatmiko's decision, ed) will damage PDIP. It will damage the unity, solidity at PDIP," said Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review (IPR) Ujang Komarudin to VOI, Saturday, August 26.

Ujang assessed Budiman's decision to support the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, could be because it started with disappointment. However, this usually happens ahead of the presidential election (pilpres).

"That is a consequence every time before the election in many parties," he said.

"There is always internal disappointment regarding the presidential candidate being carried so that there are cadres who jump the fence, some come out," continued Ujang.

Even so, Budiman is considered ready with the final decision taken by his party. This is because he still provides different support from the PDIP which carries Ganjar Pranowo.

"So I see that this is dynamic, part of the hustle and bustle of supporting the presidential candidate. It could be that Budiman is disappointed so he wants to find another path, another way to support so that what he does is a personal attitude that is ready with consequences," he explained.

As previously reported, Budiman was officially fired after a decree was signed by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto on Thursday, August 24.

"Giving organizational sanctions in the form of dismissal of Budiman Sudjatmiko from the members of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle," read a letter of dismissal circulating quoted on Thursday, August 24.

The existence of the letter was confirmed by the Chairman of the Honorary Division of the PDIP DPP Komarudin Watubun. He said this letter was a court recommendation held by the PDIP DPP Disciplinary Committee on Monday, August 21.

"The Disciplinary Committee session has issued recommendations to the DPP since Monday," Komarudin said when confirmed.

Meanwhile, regarding the dismissal, Budiman said he had received a letter and did not want to comment much. He only referred to this moment as one of the ending episodes in his political career.

"I just want to say that I have received the letter and thank you for everything," Budiman said when contacted by VOI, Thursday night, August 24.

"This is the end of an episode in my life," he continued.