Inaugurating Regional SPAM In Field, Jokowi: Can Serve 440,000 People
BALI - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono accompanied President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Regional Medium Drinking Water Supply System (PUPR) located in Binjai City, North Sumatra, on Friday, August 25. "Alhamdulillah, this morning the SPAM Mefield has completed which cost Rp948 billion. This is a collaboration between the central, provincial and district/city governments. If the cooperation goes well like this, development is also running quickly," said President Jokowi in his written statement. President Jokowi advised the local government to pay attention to its sustainability, so that the benefits can be felt directly by the community. "I ask the Governor, Regent and Mayor to follow up on connections to 88,000 households, because it involves 440 thousand people, it is very large," he said. On the same occasion, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said, the Drinking Water Processing Installation and the Main Distribution Network (JDU) was carried out in stages by the Directorate General of Human Settlements through BPPW North Sumatra from 2018 to 2023. "SPAM services are prioritized to fulfill domestic needs, so that people enjoy quality drinking water at affordable, continuous prices for 24 hours, as well as improve the health improvement of people related to clean water," he said.
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Meanwhile, Director General of Human Settlements Diana Kusumastuti said that before the IPA construction, in Phase I, the Intake Air Baku was carried out by the Directorate General of Water Resources through the Sumatra II River Basin Center with a capacity of 2,300 liters per second, as well as a raw water transmission pipe with a diameter of 900 mm. "In addition to the IPA, there is also an intake with the source of raw water coming from the Bingei River. We also have three offtakers in Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang," he said. The 88,000 House Connections (SR) in question are divided into Medan City as many as 60,000 SR, Binjai City as many as 12,000 SR, and Kab. Deli Serdang as many as 16,000 SR.