Burning In Musala Tebet, Drunk Man Admits He Was Disturbed By Mosquitoes After Stealing Charity Boxes

The police are still investigating the motive of Rhahul Khana burning the prayer room after stealing money from a charity box on Jalan Han Juang, Tebet, South Jakarta, Wednesday, August 23, at 23.00 WIB.

"We are still investigating the motive first. Because the person concerned during the act was under the influence of alcohol," said Tebet Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Agus Herwahyu when confirmed, Wednesday, August 23.

Based on his confession, Agus said, the perpetrator initially intended to rest in the prayer room, after stealing money from the charity box. However, because there were many mosquitoes, he burned them.

"He was drunk in there. After taking (stealing) he wanted to rest. In his statement he wanted to rest. 'This is why a lot of mosquitoes are disturbed, he said,' he said, imitating the perpetrator's words.

"That's why he wants to burn it to get rid of mosquitoes. The information we get from the person concerned is like that," he continued.

However, the perpetrator has been named a suspect for his actions. He was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code and 187 of the Criminal Code.

"We have named a suspect (and) we will detain him here at the Polsek," he concluded.