NTB Police Pay Attention To The Rp12 Billion Mask Corruption Case Handled By The Mataram Police
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police provide assistance in handling cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of masks using Rp12 billion APBD funds.
"Do we (NTB Police) provide assistance in handling the case? Of course, it is an obligation. However, for the authority to handle it remains at the Mataram Police," said NTB Police Chief Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday 22 August.
The Regional Police Chief explained that the locus delicti or the place where a criminal act of the alleged corruption case occurred was in the jurisdiction of the Mataram Police.
"It should be remembered that in handling criminal acts of corruption must be guided by legal facts, there are four, namely legal subjects, legal objects, tempus delicti (when a crime occurs), and locus delicti," he said.
Regarding the procurement of goods in 2020, it is widely spread across all regencies/cities in the NTB area, the Kapolda said this would not be a problem for the Mataram Police to continue handling the law.
"What is clear is that we see that the current handling is at the investigation stage. In this case, the role of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation continues to communicate with the Mataram Police," he said.
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Previously, the Head of the Mataram Police, Kombes Pol. Mustofa, said that his party was handling the legal case of the procurement of masks based on public reports.
Following up on the report, the police carried out a series of data collection and requests for clarification to the parties involved and knew about procurement.
In the series, it was revealed that the Deputy Regent of Sumbawa Dewi Noviany had fulfilled the summons. Mustofa said that her party summoned Dewi Noviany in her capacity as head of the field in one of the government agencies.
"He (the Deputy Regent of Sumbawa) we clarify that he is not a position in the position of deputy regent, but when he was still the head of the province," said Kombes Pol. Mustofa.
The government is holding this mask project to tackle the spread of COVID-19 in NTB. Procurement through the NTB Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD).