Jalan Rusak Antang Makassar Yang Saban Hari Dikeluhan Warga Kini Mulus Dibeton

MAKASSAR - The South Sulawesi Provincial Government has finished handling the damaged road in Antang, Makassar as well as to unravel the congestion that residents often complain about.

The people of the City of Society can finally enjoy the benefits of the smooth road that has been concreted.

South Sulawesi Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman inaugurated the reconstruction work for the Antang Raya Road, Manggala District, Makassar City, Monday, August 21.

"Alhamdulillah, inaugurate the Antang Raya road. This road is a priority for us to handle gradually for the past two years," said Andi Sudirman as quoted by ANTARA.

The South Sulawesi Provincial Government through the Office of Highways and Construction Development has completed the Antang Raya road section, from 2022 to 2023.

"The condition of the Antang road before it was handled was heavily damaged and including high LHR. We have handled it completely along 1.51 km with rigid concrete construction with a handling width of 7.5 meters," explained Andi Sudirman.

In handling this road, 11 trees were cut, but 330 trees have been replaced.

It is hoped that with the completion of this road repair, community mobility will run smoothly, the estuary will stimulate the economy.

A local resident named Dahlan Gege admitted that he was grateful and appreciated the efforts of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government in handling the work on Antang Street

"Previously, this road was very worrying because there were traffic jams everywhere. There were many traffic accidents, so special attention was needed, and thank God after repairing the Antang Raya road, traffic jams could be broken down," he said.

A transportation service provider around Antang Street named Daeng Baso admitted that he was helped and made his work easier after the Antang Raya Road was repaired.

"This road is very different from before. The road is wider after being concreted and smoother. We thank the Governor of South Sulawesi," he said.