Members Of The ToK Gang In Penjaringan Jakut Become Suspects Of Persecution, Victims Killed By Sickles

JAKARTA The police have indicated that one of the social media accounts with the name 'Team Orang Keren' or TOK. It sounds funny, but the Head of the Metro Penjaringan Police, Kompol M Probandono Bobby Danuardi, said that the group in the account was affiliated with the network of brawlers in Muara Baru, North Jakarta.

Moreover, his party has just arrested a member of the group for committing serious abuse that caused the victim to die.

"We have arrested a follower of this social media account with the initials FNU (20)," said Commissioner Bobby quoting Antara, Friday, August 18.

After undergoing examination, FNU has been named a suspect for the death of AM (24).

Bobby said the death toll was injured by a sharp knife type weapon. The victim was abused by the FNU in the Outer Batang area because he was provoked by his colleagues who were also members of a group on social media accounts (medsos) "Team Orang Keren" (T-O-K).

Had been treated intensively at Tarakan Hospital since the incident on August 5, but the victim breathed his last on August 12, 2023.

"We arrested the suspect at his home, Tambun area, Bekasi, West Java, on August 14, 2023 at around 04.00 WIB. The evidence that we confiscated included a sharp weapon of the red sickle type and also the post-mortem results from the victim," said Bobby.

Currently, the suspect FNU and evidence are at the Penjaringan Metro Police Headquarters for investigation purposes. Bobby asked the public to be careful with all activities on the "Team Orang Keren" account and immediately report if they see activities that violate the law.

The suspect faces a maximum prison sentence of seven years in prison for committing acts that violate Article 351 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code concerning severe persecution that causes the victim to die.