KSP : Scholarship And Social Assistance Budget For 2024 Education Increases

JAKARTA - Deputy II of the Presidential Chief of Staff, Abetnego Tarigan, said that the scholarship budget and social assistance for education in 2024 will increase, from IDR 28.9 trillion in 2023 to IDR 35.94 trillion. The increase in the budget is to provide education guarantees from elementary to higher education. "This increase is more than five times the scholarship budget ten years ago," Abetnego said, in Jakarta, Thursday, August 17.

Abetnego conveyed the increase in the scholarship budget and social assistance as an effort by the government to expand access to education for the community. This is in line with the principles of President Joko Widodo's administration, namely no one left behind or none of its citizens are left behind in obtaining educational rights.

The Deputy for Human Development of KSP added that scholarships and social assistance for education were realized through various efforts and assistance provided to schools and students. Such as the Education Unit (BOSP) Operational Assistance program for schools.

Meanwhile, scholarship students are channeled through the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP), Medium Education Affirmation (ADEM) and High Education Affirmation (ADik). This includes students in 3T areas, disabilities, and migrant workers," he said.

In addition to expanding access, the government is also committed to equitable distribution of the quality of education. Namely by increasing distribution and increasing the competence of teachers and education personnel.

For the increase in teacher distribution, explained Abetnego, the government provides professional educators through the recurrence of PPPK ASN teachers that can be followed by honorary teachers registered with the Dapodik. "The formulation determined by the local government is in accordance with needs," he explained.

As for the increased competence of teachers and education personnel, Abetnego explained, from 2007 to 2017 certification had been carried out through portfolios and PPLG. Then in 2018, Teacher Professional Education (PPG) was carried out which resulted in new generation teachers.

Still according to Abetnego, the government is currently also focusing on improving the quality of human resources that can be absorbed by industry and the world of work. Namely through the development and strengthening of Vocational High Schools for the Center for Excellence (SMK-PK).

Until the end of 2022, there were 1,401 vocational schools developed as SMK-PK. A total of 373 vocational schools spread throughout Indonesia have benefited. This program has succeeded in achieving support from 349 industries with a total commitment from the industry of 439.25 billion rupiah.

"All these efforts made by the government are to realize superior, innovative, integrated, and competitive human resources as President Jokowi aspires to," concluded Abetnego.

President Joko Widodo in delivering the 2024 State Budget Bill and Financial Notes, last Wednesday, August 16, emphasized that improving the quality of human resources is the main factor in economic transformation. Improvement of the quality of education and health is also set as a national agenda.

The increase in the quality of education is supported by the preparation of a budget of IDR 660.8 trillion or 20 percent of the state budget. This is reflected in the allocation of central government expenditures of IDR 237.3 trillion, Transfers to Regions of IDR 346.6 trillion, and investment financing of IDR 77.0 trillion.