Lighter Than Mario Dandy, Shane Lukas Sued 5 Years In Prison
JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) charged the defendant Shane Lukas with five years in prison. Shane was declared by the prosecutor to be involved in the case of severe abuse by David Ozora.
"We, the public prosecutor, are demanding that the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court examine and try this case. Sentencing the defendant Shane Lukas to prison for 5 years," said the prosecutor during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, August 15.
This statement is much lower than Mario Dandy Satriyo. This is because Rafael Alun Trisambodo's son was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
In deciding the charges against Shane Lukas, the prosecutor demonstrated both burdensome and mitigating matters.
The aggravating thing is that Shane Lukas' involvement in a series of acts of persecution is considered to facilitate Mario Dandy Satriyo to beat David Ozora in a sadistic and brutal manner. The persecution resulted in brain damage and amnesia.
While mitigating, Shane Lukas was considered polite and honest when giving testimony at trial.
"The defendant was not complicated in giving information. The defendant really regretted what he had done to David Ozora," said the prosecutor.
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In addition, Shane Lukas, who is still young, is considered to be able to improve himself so that he is expected to become a better person in the future.
"The defendant is still young, he can develop a better person," said the prosecutor.
In this case, Shane Lukas' actions were considered by the prosecutor to have fulfilled Article 355 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.