What Is Dark Web: Let's Find Out!

YOGYAKARTA - This very modern era of course often we hear about rumors of a dark web. However, what is really a dark web?

Dark web or darknet is a small part of the Internet network containing websites that require certain procedures to access it.

A special procedure for accessing dark websites is to hide the user's IP address from the internet recording system.

The procedure that is often used is to use a special soft feature that can hide the user's IP address.

Thus, the dark website allows the formation of interactions that are entirely anonymous. Because of this anonymity, the dark website is often related to crimes in cyberspace.

The anonymity of interaction on the dark website can be established because of layered encryption implemented by providers of dark website sites.

The name dark web is often misinterpreted as a deep website, although these two names have different meanings.

The dark website is part of a deep website that means an internet network that cannot be accessed with conventional search engines.

Content in dark web

Dark websites often relate to illegal transactions such as drug buying and selling, firearms, pornographic content, to piracy.

This is due to the anonymity of the dark website which makes it difficult for a person to access the identity of a user.

Although this assumption is partly true, the dark website actually operates legally.

Web parks such as email entry boxes or social media account management are actually categorized as dark websites because other people cannot access them easily.

You also won't find someone else's email inbox page when typing it in a search engine. Moreover, email service providers such as Google and Yahoo also can't and can't open the email page of the user's email.

Most countries also classify the dark website as a legal matter, but it can only be used for legitimate and illegal activities depending on the user.

Here are some things you can find on the dark web page:

So after knowing what the dark web is, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!