Great Fire At Jongor Tegal Port, 25 Ships Ludes Dilap Api

SEMARANG - Police recorded that the number of ships at Jongor Port, Tegal City, Central Java, which caught fire on Monday night reached 52 units. "The latest data is 52 ships, there were no casualties in the incident," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol.Satake Bayu Setianto, quoted by ANTARA in Semarang, Tuesday, August 15. According to him, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. He explained that the Central Java Police had deployed a forensic team that would work with the Tegal City Police Criminal Investigation Unit.Bayu added that the fire had been extinguished and a crime scene investigation would be carried out to determine the exact cause of the fire. According to him, the incident, which was not the first time this occurred, would be an evaluation in the management of the Jongor Port area of Tegal City in the future so that similar incidents would not be repeated. The ruins of a ship leaning at Jongor Port, Tegal City, caught fire on Monday, August 14 evening.

The fire is thought to have started from KM Kurnia Jaya, who was leaning. Strong winds caused the fire to spread quickly to other ships. In addition, the position that was adjacent resulted in fires being affected by many ships.