The Panel Of Judges Postponed The Kiai FM Verdict Session Of The Defendant Obscene In Jember

The panel of judges at the Jember District Court postponed the reading of the verdict against the defendant Kiai FM who committed sexual abuse and violence against a number of his students.

The closed trial was attended by the defendant Kiai FM and his legal advisers, the public prosecutor, and the panel of judges led by Alfonsus Nahak.

"We respect the panel of judges who chose to postpone the reading of the verdict because it is their authority to decide the case," said the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Jember District Attorney, Sri Sumarsih, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 10.

The panel of judges is reportedly not ready to submit the reading of the verdict against the defendant Kiai FM, so that the next trial will be next Wednesday (16/8) with an agenda for reading the verdict.

"We demand that the defendant FM be sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million, subsidiary to six months in prison, which was conveyed by the public prosecutor in the previous trial," he said.

The defendant was charged with Article 82 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 72 e of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2016 concerning Child Protection because there were victims of minors and Article 6 letter b in conjunction with Article 15 letter b of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 concerning Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence.

Meanwhile, the defendant's attorney, Nurul Jamal Habaib, said that the panel of judges at the Jember District Court was not ready to read out the verdict against his client, so his party would wait for the judge's decision.

"If the judge's decision will not be in favor of our client, then the legal representative will make efforts such as appeals and lawsuits related to case files which we value are many irregularities," he said.

Outside the Jember District Court, supporters of the defendant Kiai FM carried out a peaceful demonstration and prayed that the panel of judges would not give a heavy decision. The police also installed barbed wire and guarded the District Court so that the masses would not go to court.