Looking For Bomb Evidence, Detachment 88 Searches The House Of The Suspected Terrorist In Boyolali

The Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Team at the National Police Headquarters conducted a search at the house of the suspected terrorist with the initials S (40), in RT 3 RW 2 Trayu Village, Banyudono District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java.

The Densus 88 team, supported by the Boyolali Police Inafis, conducted a search at S's house starting at around 09.15 WIB to look for evidence related to criminal acts of terrorism. S himself was arrested by Densus 88 from information, at his home, last Friday.

According to the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, confirmed that he conducted a search at the house of the suspected terrorist with the initials S in RT 3 RW 2 Trayu Village, Banyudono District, Boyolali Regency, both at his home and in the garbage lot on the edge of the river to look for evidence.

"The search at the scene of the case at S's house is one of the suspects who was arrested some time ago. The investigative team has secured S's belongings which are suspected to have something to do with the criminal act of terrorism," said Ramadhan, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 4.

According to Ramadhan, a search and confiscation was carried out witnessed by local village officials, namely the head of the hamlet and the local village bhabinkamtibmas.

The Densus 88 team then conducted a search at the second scene on the riverbank near S. And, the evidence that has been secured, of course, has something to do with the non-terrorism crime.

"This alleged terrorism crime has something to do with the suicide bombing of the Astana Anyar Police, West Java Police, some time ago," he said.

The evidence that was secured and confiscated was evidence related to criminal acts of terrorism, shoes, motorbikes and other items belonging to S.

Kaur Kesra Trayu Mardi Sepeno Village said the S worked all day as a tailor and he was indeed a closed person and never got along with the local community.

"Residents were surprised that he was involved in a criminal act of terrorism, because he often appeared at the local mosque recently. However, he often wears a robe," said Mardi.