Tripatra Committed To Helping The Government In Accelerating Energy Transition
JAKARTA - PT Tripatra Engineers and Constructioners (Tripatra), a technical engineering-based solution provider in Indonesia, is committed to supporting the government in its efforts to encourage industrial development and accelerate the energy transition and downstream of national minerals.
This is in line with the achievement of the 2060 net zero emission (NZE) target which is part of the transformation needed in an effort to become a developed country by 2045.
President Director & CEO of Tripatra Raymond Naldi Rasfuldi said engineering or engineering is the main force behind innovation and technological developments.
"The engineering combines scientificism with creativity in creating new solutions for various challenges and developing technologies that improve the quality of human life, including presenting solutions for the development of EBT (new renewable energy) technology," said Raymond when the forum media entitled "Building the Future through Innovative and Sustainable Relations Solutions" in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 4.
Therefore, said Raymond, the engineering service industry will be able to contribute greatly to the progress of every national civilization.
"Moreover, in the era of energy transition and mineral downstreaming, of course, industries in the field of Engineering services are at the forefront of efforts to achieve sustainable national goals," he said.
In an effort to encourage industrial development and accelerate the energy transition and downstream of national minerals, Tripatra, with the majority of engineers from within the country, contributes to increasing the value of TKDN through the development and income of thousands of competent engineers in the engineering sector.
Tripatra considers competent human resources (HR) to be a very important component in running engineering businesses.
"Tripatra has had 50 years of experience with the technical and technological capabilities that are competent from the most complete multidisciplinary engineering by presenting a variety of the best services for hundreds of major projects including national strategic projects that have been carried out in the energy, oil and gas infrastructure sector, petrochemicals, metals and new and renewable energy in Indonesia and abroad," said Raymond.
On the same occasion, Chairman of the Association of National Companies Design Bangun Indonesia (Gapenri) Dhira Nandana said the engineering service industry sector has an important role in Indonesia's growth and is able to become the locomotive of development and growth of various national sectors and industries in Indonesia, including the energy sector and driving the increasing use of domestic goods and services (P3DN).
"Therefore, the importance of collaboration between various parties so that Indonesia's engineering sector will continue to develop and be optimized to support national development," said Dhira.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Bambang Goeritno explained that in the face of rapid national development in various sectors, especially in the development of the EBT energy transition sector, it certainly cannot be separated from the important role of engineers or engineers in all processes from planning and design to integration and coordination.
"Therefore, more and more efficient engineers are needed who are competent and have the ability to provide innovative engineering solutions that industry needs. In addition, it is also important for industries to optimize competent engineers from within the country as an effort to continue to increase the value of the level of domestic components (TKDN) in various development projects in Indonesia," said Bambang.