29 Perpetrators Of Theft In Bandarlampung Arrested, One Of Them In Action In 24 Locations

Bandarlampung City Police (Polresta) arrested 29 perpetrators of theft during July 2023.

"These perpetrators have been named as suspects. However, there are three suspects who have already undergone trial," said Bandarlampung Police Chief Kombes Pol. Ino Harianto in Bandarlampung, Thursday, August 3, confiscated by Antara.

Ino revealed that the 29 suspects were caught by the police in Bandarlampung, including the Kedaton Police with 12 cases and the Sukarame Police with five cases.

Next is the West Tanjungkarang Police, East Tanjungkarang Police, Tanjung Senang Police, South Telukbetung Police, and Kemiling with two cases each, while the North Telukbetung and East Telukbetung Police have one case.

It was revealed that of the 29 cases, they were still dominated by perpetrators of theft with weights with 16 perpetrators, then 11 perpetrators of motor vehicle theft, and two perpetrators of violent crimes.

"From the disclosure, the police secured 9 stolen motorbikes," he said.

From the arrest, it is known that there are two perpetrators who are recidivists of motor vehicle theft, even one of the perpetrators is known to have acted in 24 different locations.

The disclosure of the theft of many motorized vehicles from the Sukarame Police, and violent crimes was in Kedaton.

"I emphasize that every police station is obliged to disclose criminal cases that occur in its area. This is because it is a concern for the Bandarlampung Police," said Kombes Pol. Ino Harianto.