BI Stress Test Finds National Bank Resilience Stays Strong

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) reports that the condition of national banking remains solid in dealing with the dynamics that are currently developing.

This was stated directly by BI Governor Perry Warjiyo after the Board of Governors Meeting which was held earlier this week.

"The results of the Bank Indonesia stress test also show that banking resilience remains strong," he said, quoted by the editors on Wednesday, July 26.

According to Perry, the financial system's resilience is supported by strong banking capital with a capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of 26.07 percent in May 2023.

"The risk of credit remains under control, as reflected in the low ratio of non-performing loans (NPL), namely 2.52 percent (gross) and 0.77 percent (neto) in May 2023," he said.

Perry added that similar conditions also appeared in banking liquidity in June 2023 which was influenced by growth in third party funds (DPK) by 5.79 percent year on year (yoy).

"Bank Indonesia continues to strengthen synergies with KSSK in mitigating various domestic and global economic risks that can disrupt financial system resilience and the momentum of economic recovery," he said.

On that occasion Perry also said that the central bank agreed to maintain the BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) at 5.75 percent.

The monetary authority is also noted not to change the deposit facility interest rate and lending facility interest rate, which amounted to 5.00 percent and 6.50 percent, respectively.

"This is consistent to ensure that inflation remains under control in the range of 3 percent plus minus 1 percent in the remaining 2023 period and 2.5 percent plus minus 1 percent in 2024," said Perry Warjiyo.