100 School Dropout Children In Pasangkayu Sulbar Will Be Schooled

As many as 100 children who do not go to school in two sub-districts in Pasangkayu Regency, West Sulawesi (Sulbar), will be sent to school.

Head of the West Sulawesi Provincial Inspectorate, Natsir, said that Acting Governor of West Sulawesi Zudan Arif Fakhrullah had deployed the West Sulawesi Inspectorate to reduce the number of children not to school in this province.

He said the West Sulawesi Inspectorate had compiled a program to send 100 children not to school in Pasangkayu District and Bambalamotu District, Pasangkayu Regency.

"On the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day on August 17, 2023, as many as 100 children will not go to school in Pasangkayu District and Bambalamotu District, school clothes will be given so that they can all return to school," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 21.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of West Sulawesi Zudan Arif Fakhrullah said that in West Sulawesi there were as many as 48 thousand children who did not go to school based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

"Based on BPS data, as many as 48 thousand children in West Sulawesi or around 10.52 percent experienced dropping out of school, so that it became a development problem faced by the West Sulawesi Provincial Government," he said.

He said the children who dropped out of school were caused by various factors, including the mindset of the community who considered education not important, then the economic inability and the lack of government budget support.

According to him, the impact of high school dropouts in West Sulawesi has resulted in high marriage of early childhood as well as problems with stunting and extreme poverty which add to development problems in West Sulawesi.

"The government will solve the problem of dropping out of school children," he said.

PemprovSulbar mengajak seluruh pihak terkait untuk berkolaborasi, bergerak bersama guna menyelesaikan permasalahan anak tidak sekolah tersebut.