It Turns Out That There Was An Action By A Senior Doctor Bullying To Junior, Minister Of Health Budi Was Surprised: Asked To Take Care Of Dirty Clothes Until The Parking Lot

JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin revealed three loopholes in bullying practices by seniors against resident doctors in hospitals that cause mental to financial losses."Number one has an order that is (to make the victim) a personal assistant. Its role is not to teach, but there are other orders that if you don't answer, be abused, you can or 'no'," he said in the agenda of the Press Conference Breaking the Bullying Practice at the Medical Specialist Program at the Ministry of Health Building. Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, July 20.The practice was carried out through the WhatsApp Group social media communication column which he called the name "Jarkom". The communication group is filled by senior specialist doctors and juniors who are currently studying specialist doctors.The group takes advantage of students like personal assistants, in fact, it is not uncommon for victims to be told to take care of dirty clothes, between children, to take care of parking."Then again there is an event, oh this is not enough plastic spoon already at 00.00 WIB, he has to look for 200 plastic spoons because there are meals in his senior places. That's the number one priority," he said.Other bullying practices, he said, were also experienced by students through treatment like personal assistants who helped senior doctors' duties."The number two is more terrifying to wear, such as private workers, usually the ones who are most often told to write assignments from their senior brothers, or write research journals, because there are juniors, that's actually his seniors' job, he 'asks' juniors to work, seniors are just researching," he said."This situation made junior doctors who should have learned the desired specializations, so they did their senior duties that were not related to the specialization of victims," Budi added.The practice of bullying which also surprised Minister of Health Budi was in group 3, which was related to money."Many juniors are also told to 'collect' money, some are millions to hundreds of millions, they can prepare the house to gather seniors, the contract is Rp. 50 million a year, divided equally with the juniors," he said.In addition, resident doctors are also often asked to fulfill senior desire to eat at luxury restaurants, rent equipment and sports fields, to replace the latest devices for seniors.The practice of bullying for a resident doctor for decades has never dared to be disclosed. Generally, victims choose to remain silent because it relates to the influence of a senior doctor as determinant of the graduation policy through giving values.Responding to this, the Ministry of Health launched two access to reporting on bullying practices to provide protection to victims.The first access is through the complaint number 0812-9979-9777 or through the website, to break the chain of bullying against resident doctors."We have two options, if we dare to give the name and the Population Identification Number (NIK) will be followed up faster because it goes directly to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health," he said.On the other hand, the reporter can choose the "anonymous" feature that selects a longer process in responding to cases.
"We will send a team of director-general to the hospital concerned and we will audit it," said Budi Gunadi Sadikin.