Chairman Of The DKI DPRD Questions The Urgency Of The Form Of The JIS Special Committee
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, questioned the urgency of the formation of a special committee (pansus) to investigate problems in the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS).
This JIS special committee proposal was submitted by a member of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. Prasetyo admitted that he could not immediately agree even though this proposal came from the same faction member with him.
"As chairman of the DPRD, I oversee 9 factions. What are my friends proposing, they must also be able to consider. What is the urgency?" said Prasetyo at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Wednesday, July 12.
Referring to Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Order of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD, the special committee is regulated in Article 114 and Article 115.
The stipulation was that the special committee was formed in a plenary meeting at the suggestion of DPRD members. The number of members of the special committee is set at a maximum of 25 people. The special committee members consist of members of the related commission proposed by each faction.
However, Prasetyo emphasized that the special committee could be formed after receiving consideration from the DKI DPRD Deliberative Body (Bamus) chaired by the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. Moreover, Prasetyo said he would grant the formation of a special committee if it met the elements of emergency conditions.
"Until now I have not received the letter of proposal (pansus JIS). Then if the letter is already there, I ask first what is the urgency? If all the problems are made a problem, it will not be resolved," he said.
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Previously, the Secretary of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Dwi Rio Sambodo, assessed that the construction of JIS was proven problematic after the clarification from Buro Happold emerged.
Buro Happold emphasized that his party was not asked to design the JIS stadium and had never designed this stadium. Buro Happold was only asked to create a design guide. However, the company's review results identified several aspects that did not match the original design concept guide from Buro Happold.
"This confirms that there is malpractice in the planning and construction of the JIS stadium. It is not surprising that there is a lot of shortage of JIS satdion facilities and is far from the international standard as it should be," Rio said in a short message, Monday, July 10.
"It must form a Special Committee for JIS if deemed necessary, especially since this has used a lot of people's money, around Rp. 4.4 trillion from PEN funds and the DKI Regional Budget," he said.