7 Men Using Marijuana In Elementary School Room In Bukittinggi Arrested By Police

BUKITTINGGI - The Bukittinggi Police Team, West Sumatra, arrested seven youths suspected of using marijuana together in an elementary school (SD) study room in the area.

"The arrest began with information from residents who arrested seven youths who abused marijuana-type drugs in the study room of SDN 03 Pakan Labuah on Thursday night (6/7)," said Head of the Narcotics Unit of the Bukittinggi Police, AKP Syafri, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

The seven youths, mostly from the local area when questioned by the police, found evidence of marijuana.

According to Syafri, the arrest of the perpetrator was based on the Police Report (LP)/A/46/VII/2023/SPKT.Satresnarkoba/Polresta Bukittingg/Polda West Sumatra.

The perpetrators were arrested in class at SDN 03 Pakan Labuah, Pakana Labuah Village, Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District (ABTB), Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra.

Five of the seven young men are residents of Pakan Labuah, namely F (26), BJI (31), RH (28), FYS (26), and AS (24); while the other two are SR (30) from Purwakarta and RA (24) from Talao.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police found evidence in the form of two lines of narcotics suspected of being a type of marijuana, a brown rice paper, a blue box that was suspected of being a base, a marijuana rolled paper, and a mobile phone.

The seven youths were then examined and taken to the Bukittinggi Police Headquarters, witnessed by several witnesses and local residents.

"We will explore the origin of the drugs they use. Bukittinggi must be free from drugs, let alone their circulation," said Syafri.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 127 of Law Number 35 of 2009 with a maximum prison term of four years.