Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Regarding Al Zaytun: I Make Sure Education Services Will Not Stop

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy ensured that education services at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) would not stop.

The boarding school in Indramayu is being investigated for allegedly violating a general crime.

"Right, the leadership has been summoned by Bareskrim, we'll just have to wait for the results. If my job is later, I will ensure that education services there will not stop and continue," said Muhadjir at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 5, which was confiscated by Antara.

While responding to the closure recommendations by the investigation team, Muhadjir appreciated the proposals that surfaced. However, the government will still see the benefits and disadvantages of the proposed recommendations.

According to him, the case that occurred at Al Zaytun was personal or only involved the leadership. So that other things such as education at Islamic boarding schools must continue because it involves the future of the nation's children.

"We have to hear from the santri guardian what he thinks. This, right, involves nearly 5,000 students, it should not be ignored. It should not only be because of problems involving individuals and then has an impact on the institution," said Muhadjir.

In line with Muhadjir, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin previously said that the government had decided not to dissolve or revoke the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School permit due to the consideration of the large number of students and students studying there.

"The meeting is indeed a large number of people (who) want (the government) to disband, to close. But there are indeed considerations that there are a lot of students, quite large, yes, that number," said the vice president.

The vice president said the government decided to foster, as well as straighten out the faith and understanding of nationality in the pesantren.

"Well, coaching needs to be done, so maybe some alternatives are not dissolved but built, well fostered, so that pesantren can run, can learn but in accordance with the correct aqidah, as well as in our system in the nation and state," he said.