How To Toll Gate Determines Vehicle Groups At Non-Cash Payment Doors

YOGYAKARTA When passing through toll gates that implement a non-cash payment system or electronic money through e-toll cards, there will be a process of identifying passing vehicles. The identification process is important because it is the basis for determining tariffs that must be paid by motorists using toll roads. But do you know how to toll gates determine the group of passing vehicles?

As is known, toll road users are required to make payments at the gate by attaching or tapping an e-toll card. During the card insertion process, a description of the vehicle class and the rates imposed will appear. The system runs with the technology applied at each toll gate.

Jasa Marga through its Instagram social media account explained that the process of identifying vehicles that cross toll gates uses technology. The technology name for determining the group of vehicles on the toll road is the Automatic Vehicle Classification (AVC).

AVC is a technology consisting of hardware such as sensors with infrared red to camera, and software like a special program. AVC serves as a tool that helps classify motorized vehicle classifications that pass at toll gates automatically.

AVC not only has sensors and cameras, but is also equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) which helps identify vehicles. Sensors and AI will carry out data processing by detecting the number of doubles (axles) in the vehicle, namely by calculating the tire footing. That way AVC can detect many kinds of trucks.

AVC detection also includes other things such as the wheel axis to how long the vehicle tire lane is so that the technology is able to distinguish between trucks and buses. The installation of AVC at the toll gate is placed at a certain distance in front of the toll gate. This position was deliberately chosen so that vehicle detection can be carried out.

Regarding the group of vehicles, currently vehicles on the Indonesian toll road are classified into six groups. This is regulated based on the Decree of the Minister of Public Works No.370/KPTS/M/2007. The following is the group of vehicles on the toll road.

That's information regarding how toll gates determine the vehicle group. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.