Only 15 Of 121 Migrant Workers Distributors Offices In Bandarlampung Actively Report Manpower Delivery

The Lampung Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Service Center (BP3MI) said that so far only 15 Indonesian migrant worker distribution companies in the local area have actively reported their activities.

"We have recorded 121 Migrant worker distribution companies in Lampung that have permits, but only 15 companies actively report their activities to BP3MI," said Acting Head of BP3MI Lampung Wirawan Negara Harahap, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday 27 June.

He said that of the 121 companies, two of them were head offices in Lampung, while the rest were representatives or branch offices.

"Normatively, the permit for the establishment of the labor distribution branch office is issued by the Manpower Office, meanwhile, if the head office that grants the permit is the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker)," he said.

He said that according to the rules, Indonesian labor distribution companies must put up their official nameplates, and even include their establishment permits.

"If 15 companies distribute active migrant workers, they always report their activities to us and on average there is a official nameplate," he said.

Meanwhile, for non-active migrant worker distribution companies, BP3MI does not yet know the reason why they have never reported their activities.

"Why are they not actively reporting, we also don't know. What is certain is that the company's permit is still active, it is only possible to place migrant workers, it can be said that they have never been to BP3MI Lampung," he said.

According to him, this could happen because most of the migrant worker distribution companies in Lampung are branch offices, while the head office is in other areas.

"So it could be that Lampung is only a recruitment place, but departs from other regions and reports it to other provinces' BP3MI," he added.

He added that this inactive company also has the potential to distribute migrant workers illegally or non-procedurally.

"When it comes to potential, they can also distribute migrant workers illegally. So that in monitoring or preventing these things, cooperation is needed from all parties because BP3MI cannot work alone," he said.

However, he emphasized that BP3MI Lampung always monitors regularly for guidance to migrant worker distribution companies.

"We always remind that the rules of the game must comply with applicable regulations, so we periodically monitor, evaluate and monitor them," he said.

However, his party has so far not been able to impose direct sanctions on Migrant worker distribution companies that violate or are naughty in carrying out their activities.

"We cannot directly impose sanctions because the authority rests with the Ministry of Manpower. There are three kinds of sanctions that we can recommend, namely written warnings, temporary suspension of business activities, and revocation of permits," he explained.