Bung Karno's Month Peak At GBK, Guruh Soekarnoputra Prepares Women's Kecak Dance Performance

JAKARTA - The son of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno, Guruh Soekarnoputra, prepared a special kecak dance at the peak of the Bung Karno Month (BBK) event on Saturday, June 24. Different from usual, this dance will be performed by women."The kecak dance is in Bali, right, usually taken by men but this time all of them were pulled by 3,000 women," said Guruh while reviewing preparations for the peak of BBK commemoration at Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK), Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 22.He said a similar dance was performed during the 1962 Asian Games IV. The initial idea of this dance came from his father so he wanted to continue.Moreover, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri asked him to prepare for it."I only continued that what Bung Karno had initiated was the same as the initiative of Mrs. Mega," said the PDIP cadre.Guruh explained that this kecak dance performance will be carried out in less than half an hour. The title is Soekarnoyana, which takes the story of the proclaimer and is inspired by the story of Ramayana.The female dancers came from Jakarta but they came from various tribes. "There were even friends from Papua from eastern Indonesia who all participated in the kecak dance," said Megawati's sister.Previously reported, PDIP will hold a grand consolidation with the theme 'Maint Hand United for Greater Indonesia' on Saturday, June 24. Hundreds of thousands of party cadres bearing the bull symbol are expected to crowd the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area."So it is extraordinary that this activity will be attended by all participants from all over Indonesia who are assumed to reach 100 thousand people," said Chairman of the Bung Karno Month Committee, Rano Karno in a written statement, Wednesday, June 21.In this activity, there will be 7,000 party task forces (tasks) that will be deployed from all over Indonesia. They will later perform chants.
"Especially in the field, there will be 5,000 task forces plus 500 band marching, then 200 people from the archipelago dance, plus 60 passibras, and ending with a janger dance of 3,000 women," said Rano."So you can imagine later in the middle of the field there will be 10,000 people gathering. This is not a small activity, this is a big activity," he continued.